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Labour Mps Call For Closer Links With Trade Unions

Labour MPs call for closer links with trade unions

MPs at the Labour Party conference have called for closer links between the party and trade unions.

They say that the party needs to reconnect with its roots in the labour movement in order to win back the support of working-class voters.

The call comes after the party's recent poor performance in the polls. The party has lost support to the Conservative Party, which has made gains among working-class voters.

Some Labour MPs believe that the party needs to adopt a more left-wing agenda in order to appeal to these voters. They argue that the party has become too centrist and has lost touch with its core values.

However, other MPs believe that the party needs to focus on winning back voters in the center ground. They argue that the party needs to offer a credible alternative to the Conservative Party, and that adopting a more left-wing agenda would alienate potential voters.

The debate over the party's future direction is likely to continue in the run-up to the next general election.
